Saturday, January 23, 2010

Glass Web Icons Are First Class Design Items

Glass icons can be considered an independent icon style though it is logical to assume that glass style is just one of the types of the shiny, glossy design.

Other types of the glossy web icons design that can be marked out:

  • glass icons;
  • metal icons;
  • glass-metal icons;
  • transparent icons.

Transparent and half-transparent glossy icons can be aqua, crystal, plastic etc.

Glass icons as well as other types of icons are often depicted with reflecting. It is one of the standard features of the "Web 2.0" icons. Creation of vertical reflection effect for web icons is certainly simple in addition you can find a great amount of tutorials on the web teaching how to do this.

The crisp and pure look of glass icons makes navigating through the websites interesting and playful. If you wish to create such neat web icons you can easily find hundreds of tutorials on the Internet.

Tricks for easy and quick creation of glass web icons.

Adobe Photoshop is the most popular software program for creating web icons. Photoshop is becoming steadily more and more flexible software for design. Nowadays it allows to create almost all visual effects used for the graphic design. A great amount of the prominent web designers and illustrators create their great web icons designs with this software. The ability to combine pixel painting with vector tool for creating glass icons, buttons, characters etc. is an essential feature of the latest Photoshop versions.<\p>

The easiest way to design Glass icons is to make the "glass" layer overlap the image, not the whole image but the most of it. By using the "eraser" tool you'll be able to build an empty diagonal line through the image. You are supposed to proceed using eraser for making adjustments to the glass layer until the moment when the glass effect repeats the contour of the icon. It should kind of the glass haze in the opposite sides. As soon as this procedure complete the further adjustments should be applied.

Professional web designers should use this effect carefully and take into account that glass-fever may look ridiculous. Don't forget glass icons should be combined with taste so that the website style could remain professional and reserved.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Who's the winner - 2D icons or 3D icons?

2D and 3D icons comparative analysis

When it comes to 3d Icons the light source plays essential role for creating authentic three-dimensional images. Certainly the using several light sources in web page design today is preferable but take into account that they should follow basic rules of physics and be truthful. If you want to make 3D icons look softer and much more realistic - use several lights.

Both 2D and 3D icons represent the volume found in the three-dimensional world but use various methods of creating this illusion. 2D Icons can definitely represent volume to less extent than 3D Icons. One of the disadvantages of 2D Icons are flat images that show just one perspective. To this weakness you can also add one more - detailed highlights and imperceptible soft shadows are missing. The shades usage is restricted as well.

3D icons can be proud of all these features instead. But 3D is mathematical replication of the data which anyway limits its usage. In some case 3D objects like 3D Icons may be effectively replaced by 2D ones or by the videos with the sounds. 3D dimension can be created due to the software used for 3D modeling. Don't forget that 3D icons need to be depicted in correlation with the other objects and the environment they are placed into.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Why Would You Use DreamWeaver Templates?

You are able to use these web themes to create web pages that have a common structure and appearance. Dreamweaver Templates are useful when you want to make sure that all of the pages in a site share certain characteristics. You can change information effortlessly on the group of pages by editing the web template and then reapplying it to those pages. While unique elements to each page, such as text or graphics remain unchanged, common theme elements, such as menu bars and links - are updated on all of the pages that use the template. For example, if you change the copyright info in the Footer of the theme - Dreamweaver will instantly amend the footers for you automatically. The amazing tool to save your time!

Today over the Internet you can actually find a great number of Dreamweaver Themes to any taste. But first of all you should decide what kind of web theme you want to have: free Dreamweaver Template or premium one. Free theme can be a very good choice if you want to save your pennies. But if you want to have exclusive design and extra quality - you should look for premium Dreamweaver Templates. Anyway you have a unique opportunity to change your webpage in no time.

So Dreamweaver website templates can help to save your valuable time and money. Themes are a great way to maintain consistency across a site. Don't worry if you have some problems - 24 hour support teams always glad to help. Sep by step web design online course and tutorials also can be very useful. Make a present to your internet site - redesign it using a new Dreamweaver theme and attract more visitors right now! Don't miss this unique chance to be on the crest of the wave of Internet world.